How can I change the Whois information for my domain name(s)?

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You can change the Whois information for your domain name(s) either one by one or to use the Bulk action for more than 2 domain name(s):

1) If you want to change the Whois information for only one domain name, click on the registrant name in the same row with your domain name in the column "Registrant" and modify as you require:

2) If you want to to change the Whois information for several domain names, put a tick for them and in the upper menu "Choose action" click on "Contact info":

Then you will see the following window:

In both scenarios you are able to change the Whois information such as:
1. First name
2. Last name
3. Email address
4. Organization
5. Address
6. City
7. State
8. Postal code
9. Country
10. Telephone number

The only difference is that when you choose to use the Bulk action, you will be needed to enter all the details (mentioned above) from the beginning.

Later the email will be send to your email box to inform you about the changes made.

Additional information regarding profiles for your domain names can be found here: How can I create and manage my profiles for my domain name(s)?