How can I transfer out my domain name(s) from PanaNames to another registrar?
Please follow the following steps:
1. Your domain name(s) shouldn’t be registered or previously transferred in the last 60 days.
2. Ensure that the registrant contact for your domain name has a valid email address in the Whois Datebase ( Both registrars use this email address to send you important information about the transfer.
Note: If your domain name(s) have a private registration (i.e. Whois Privacy), a service that hides your personal information from the public, our Privacy service supports email-forward to your email address. There is no need to disable Whois Privacy.
3. Unlock your domain name(s). To unlock your domain name, click on the lock symbol and choose "Unlock".
See also How can I lock/unlock my domain name(s)?
4. Obtain Authorization code (other names of it are: AUTHINFO or AUTH or EPP) for your domain name(s). To obtain Authorization code for your domain name, press on a domain name, find "Transfer key", then click on "Show".
See also Where can I find Authorization code for my domain name(s)?